Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What kind of career would studying geography get you?

By Akin Solanke

Studying geography at university could take you further than you think: during your time at uni, you'd be sharpening skills like collecting and interpreting data, analysing situations and coming up with solutions to problems. These are the kind of skills that employers looking out for - even if they're in a business that has nothing to do with geography.

But there's more to landing a job than just turning up at an interview with a geography degree. You'll need to show that you've been putting what you've studied at university into practice. Perhaps you're a member of a relevant society, or have done some paid or placement work. All of these are points in your favour, but you'll still have to use your skill and judgement when it comes to convincing the interviewer you've got the capacity for hard work and the motivation that every employer is looking for these days.

You'll also have to demonstrate the skills you've acquired while you studied geography - skills like research and report creation, preparing diagrams and maps, creating information and presenting it both verbally and in writing, together with you ability to work both independently and in a team.

And what kind of employment prospects are waiting for you after you've gained your geography degree? Obviously, there are going to be geography-based careers like cartography and environmental consultancy waiting for you, but if you undertake postgraduate studies there are positions like earth scientist, coastal engineer and pollution analyst to choose from. Obviously there are teaching positions to consider, as well as jobs in planning and development.

But there are other positions that don't necessarily require a geography degree, but where one would be useful: logistics, transport and distribution all require at least some of the skills and knowledge you'd have gained when you studied geography, as would positions in local government. But if you're thinking of going further afield, don't forget overseas jobs like aid and development work.

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