Monday, August 13, 2012

Rotisseries Are Not Just For Your Basic Roast Chicken

By Morgan Lee

If you eat out at restaurants, you will know that they offer a wide variety of chicken dishes. Many of the really popular dishes start with the chicken being marinated with spices and other preparations. The chicken is then roasted to seal in the flavors and create the perfect taste sensation.

Appreciating Chicken Rotisseries

Rotisseries: perfect for roasting.

Restaurants have recognized the versatility and profitability of using chicken as a main ingredient in their dishes. Using the right mixes of spices and rubs when preparing chicken for rotisserie roasting ensures five-star results every time.

Rotisserie is actually a form of roasting that brings in all of the benefits of indirect heat, minus the usual problems of conventional heating. How is this even possible?

The secret lies in the spit (that's the metal fork that handles the chicken throughout the cooking process). Unlike conventional roasting, rotisserie chicken is continually rotated as it is being cooked. So, in the end, you get an evenly cooked bird that has lots of juices, and is packed with natural flavor.

Because the rotation action helps to retain the chicken's natural juices, the meat remains moist. All the excess fat drips away during the roasting process, leaving the natural juices to self-baste the chicken during roasting. You can if you wish, baste your chicken on the rotisserie, but you do not really need to. The rotisserie movement ensures that the bird is being continuously basted.

If you want to add rubs or marinades to your chicken before cooking, you should allow at least a couple of hours for the flavor to infuse. If you choose to use dry rub preparations, use a sharp knife to cut slits in the skin before applying your rub. For optimum flavor ensure your rub gets under the skin.

This will help marinate the chicken evenly. The closer the dry rub is to the actual meat, the better the results. And don't worry about overeating when the bird has finally cooked, because rotisserie chicken actually has a lower fat content.

Because all the fat is drained away, you are being treated to the full natural flavor of the chicken. Depending on the make and size of your main oven, you may find it can be adapted to take a rotisserie fork. However, the oven will need to have a motor capable of operating a rotisserie function.

If your current oven has a rotisserie function, you should try it. You will not have to go out and buy equipment for it. However, if your oven does not have the function, you can buy the equipment for rotisseries. It is not that expensive and will provide you top class tasty chicken.

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