Friday, August 31, 2012

A Secret Weapon in the War Against Diabetes

By Julius Anderson

Have we found the cure for diabetes? No! However, diabetes is one of over 200 diseases or conditions that are directly linked to increased levels of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can best be described as the damage caused by free radical compounds that continually attack our cells' genes. If you take a bite out of an apple, you will begin to see the effects of the environment on that apple within minutes. This is very similar to the constant attack on the trillions of cells in our body.

Now normally when I think of ABC Primetime, I think of scandals being exposed such as Bernie Madoff, Martha Stewart, or the Penn State Football Program perhaps. However, during a 2005 ABC Primetime Investigative Report, the greatest medical breakthrough of our time was unveiled. Protandim.

John Quiones, of ABC Primetime, participated in an experiment where he took Protandim for 30 days.

Protandim is the only all natural product with four patents and 12 peer review studies. There are over 22 more independent studies underway by many universities and research companies. Impressive? The American Heart Association has never in its existence funded a study of a natural product until now. The American Heart Association has funded a three million dollar study of Protandim.

Look at the results of one study: The study researchers couldn't distinguish the blood of a 78-year-old individuals taking Protandim from that of a healthy 20-year-old. After just one pill per day, for 30 days, Protandim completely eliminated the age dependent increase of oxidative stress, lowering it to levels equivalent to a 20-year-old.

One of the key aspects of Protandim is its one-of-a-kind formula. It contains a proprietary blend of five botanicals-green tea, turmeric, milk thistle, ashwaganda and bacopa-each of which possess potent anti-aging properties. More important, is the fact that recent testing demonstrates that the five ingredients together, as they are in Protandim, produce a superior protective effect against oxidative stress as they dramatically increase the production of anti-aging enzymes.

The science is very powerful. In simple terms, Protandim slowed the aging process experienced by most adults and reduced it to the level of a 20-year-old-something that can't be claimed by any other anti-aging product. Protandim was shown to eliminate the surge of oxidative stress that typically occurs as a person ages.

So if you're experiencing some of the symptoms of diabetes, you're probably looking for a cure. Have we found the cure for diabetes? Not yet! But when I was in high school, I was taught that if A equals B, and B equals C, then A must equal C. What does that have to do with Diabetes? Everything!!!

a. Increased levels of oxidative stress are directly linked to type I and type II diabetes.

b. Protandim is scientifically proven to lower oxidative stress by an average of 40% (to that of a 20 year old)

c. Protandim will lower your oxidative stress which affects various diseases such as diabetes!

As you can see, I've gone to great lengths to avoid stating any claims about Protandim. Protandim is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent and disease or medical condition. However, the testimonies are just miraculous.

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