Friday, August 17, 2012

Revealing the Myths of Dieting

By Timothy Harold

Diets really can help you lose weight but lots of time's people get really frustrated with and disappointed in them. There are all sorts of reasons for this but most of the time it all comes down to a lack of understanding about the fundamentals of losing weight. When you go after a diet that makes unrealistic promises, to use one example, you should not be surprised if it lets you down and you don't get the results you want. The following is some important guidelines to remember when going on any type of diet.

When it comes to your eating and exercise habits, you don't want to normal. This is because, in the United States and many other countries today, the average person is overweight and doesn't get enough workouts even doing with a home exercise bike. This means that if you use your family members, friends or co-workers as models, there's a good chance you will end up overweight.

There is always pressure to conform to societal norms but you need to be firm in your stance if you are honestly committed to being as healthy as possible and losing weight. Just because everybody else you are with is reaching for second portions or bigger portions doesn't mean that you need to do the same. It's good to hang out with friends who have the same goals that you do or to join a support group if necessary. Do not; however, just follow along with the group if their habits aren't healthy.

When it comes to dieting, there is one thing that has caused more problems than any other in terms of the idea of being able to lose weight really fast. Diets that promise you can lose a lot of weight in a week or two are either being dishonest or they're trying to get you to starve yourself, in which case you can be sure the weight loss will be temporary. The best way to approach weight loss is a slow and steady approach which gives your body time to adjust to the changes that you are making. This is how you make sure that you see permanent change in your weight. Lots of grief can be saved when you steer clear of every diet that makes promises that aren't believable.

Lots of dieters get tripped up by portion sizes; it isn't just what you eat that matters it is how much of it; you eat that factors into how much you weigh. This can be a problem, whether you're eating at home or in a restaurant. It's absolutely normal to eat whatever has been put in front of you. As a kid you might have been taught to finish everything on your plate and, as a growing child that was fine. As an adult who wants to lose some weight, it can be a major burden. Try, then, to give yourself smaller portions. If someone else is doing the serving ask that they make your portion small. If you are eating at a restaurant who serves big portions, do not be embarrassed about ordering a child sized portion or asking that some of your food be wrapped up so that you can take it home with you later.

To summarize, the approach to the diet you choose is pretty much always just as important to the diet itself. You will help yourself quite a lot if you have realistic expectations so that you aren't as likely to fall victim to one of the many myths that gets flung around about dieting. This is how you will avoid the fad diets that do not work and to stick with the proper diet when you find it.

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